Thank you for expressing interest in spending the coming summer in Camp Gan Israel Florida.
CGI Florida strives to nurture a relaxed, pleasant, positive and safe environment for everyone, campers
and staff alike. CGI Florida is unique in its approach to caring for the physical well-being of each child and
infusing them with a pride, joy and enthusiasm for a Jewish and Chassidic lifestyle. To impress these values
upon our campers, camp seeks out staff that embody and reflect this in their day to day life.
To aid the applicant in having a clear understanding of camp, what it looks for and expects of each staff
member, the following document, listing fundamental camp policies and procedures has been prepared.
When reading ask yourself “Who am I? Is this camp for me?” Should you share these values, want to work
in this environment and live by these guidelines, sign and return this form, together with your application to
the camp office for further consideration.
Please note: should a staff member violate any of the terms and conditions specified in, the administration
reserves the right to terminate his employment and send the staff member home, at his own expense.
Thanking you in advance,
Rabbi Yossi Biston, Executive Director
Rabbi Yossi Goldblatt, Camp Director